Most know the name, few know the person.
You can know him today.
God has always wanted a relationship with us. In his desire to have this relationship, he gave us free will (it's not much of a relationship if it's forced). In our free will, we essentially said, no thanks! Because God is holy, sin (anything that violates God's purposes) created a barrier between us and God. The consequences of sin kept us from restoring our relationship with God. We were doomed to a life apart from God, the source of all life, love, hope and purpose. A sinful people could never have full access to a holy God--the very thing we were all created for and need. We were hopeless to ever become righteous to restore our relationship with God. We were stuck in a cycle of sin, shame, insecurity, depression, fear, envy, greed, lust, hopelessness, sickness and death... until Jesus.
Jesus changed everything. He loved us too much to let us go. Since we couldn't go to God, God came to us through the person of Jesus. Jesus, being fully God and fully man, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and laid down his life to be sacrificed on a cross for our sin. On the third day, he came back to life, establishing hope and freedom for everyone who believes in him, all because of his unconditional love for us.
Jesus death and resurrection not only provided forgiveness for our sin, but made a way for us to have a new nature--the one God intended all along. What we could never do, Jesus did. Willingly, with joy, he suffered and died just so you could have access to God again. No more barriers. The death of Jesus covered everything--it is a complete work--everything we need to have a right relationship with God. God's salvation isn't based on what we do/don't do--it's solely based on Jesus. He forgives us (no matter what we've done), he gives us a new nature that empowers us to have God's spirit live inside of us, helping us to follow Jesus with our whole hearts.
Jesus isn't interested in our religion, he wants our hearts. You can start a personal relationship with Jesus today. While the following prayer doesn't save you (Jesus does), it is a starting point for your journey with Jesus. The starting point must include: Belief in Jesus, including his death and resurrection, humility and confession of sin and choosing to turn your back on sin and giving your life to Jesus. Jesus ultimate intention is to live in you and among you in such a real way that it impacts every part of our lives.
Jesus, I confess my sin and need for a savior. I believe you are that savior--that you died and rose to life to save me. I turn my back on my old life and give my life to you. Forgive me and make me new. I choose to submit to your lordship and follow you with all my heart, for all my life. Thank you Jesus for loving me and giving yourself for me.
If you have made the decision to follow Jesus or would like to ask questions about following Jesus, please contact us here. We were never meant to follow Jesus alone, so we would love to connect with you, pray with you and give you some resources to help you on your new journey.
More About Jesus and Our Response To Him
Jesus is everything. He didn't just show up 2,000 years ago at the first Christmas, he always has been and always will be God, though he became a man 2,000 ago (Jesus is fully human and fully God--a beautiful mystery). Through Jesus everything was created and everything is held together. Through Jesus and his sacrificial death on the cross, we have a right relationship with God and can come boldly into his presence, without fear or shame. Jesus did what we could never do: pay for our sin. Jesus is the Lamb of God, our savior, friend and king. He is loving, compassionate, righteous, glorious, majestic, brilliant, beautiful, worthy--perfectly holy in every way--worthy of all our devotion.
Our Response to Jesus
We must live our lives in response to Jesus and his word. The journey of knowing Jesus and becoming like Jesus never stops. When we decide to follow Jesus, we're saying yes to him. Saying yes to him means that we choose to love him, trust him, obey him and worship him. Salvation is free, but following Jesus costs us everything. This is not a dismal existence, but the only way to find true life, love and purpose. As we seek to know him, become like him and glorify him, we experience love, peace, joy and healing like nothing else. Jesus must be first in all things.