Jesus is building his house according to his word.
Feast For Forty is a 40 day Bible reading plan. In a culture that’s building away from the Lord, we want to be intentional about tending to what the Lord is building. This requires knowing his word in a deeper way.
In Feast For Forty, you'll be reading one chapter from the Old Testament and one chapter from the New Testament every day. This plan runs from January 19-February 27, 2025.
A helpful tip when going through this Bible reading plan: Don't get discouraged if you miss a day or get behind. Simply catch up or even start with the current date's reading. Whatever we do, don't stop feasting on the word of God.
As the Lord is building, it's imperative that we stay tethered to his word, which perfectly reveals his heart. Let's do this together and start 2025 strong in the word of God.
Tap the button below to download the PDF and easily track your progress. You can save it on your device or print it for your convenience.​​​
Listen to last Sunday’s message and learn about the word of God as well as helpful ways to read the word of God. Tap the button below to listen to the message.